Thursday, December 07, 2006

Supremacist Jews own amerika and its "media", from the Hollyweird pornographers to Wall St Shylocks, everyone knows that. He who pays the piper calls the tune and spins the fantasy.That's what makes amerika GRATE! The microcosm of Palestine shows us the future as these Zionazis envision it. Amerika's jewish dream is everybody else's worst nightmare. In the case of Palestine where the apartheid state called Izrael is murdering for land and water and goddamn let's be honest, it just feels good when you're a low life piece of IOF garbage! (thank goodness the Palestinians hadn't oil or there wouldn't be a child left breathing in that unfortunate land. Amerika, so long a willing sponsor of little pariah cancer Izrael thought the world would accept the same MO in Iraq but found that murdering armed Iraqis was not quite as simple as murdering defenceless Palestinians which supremacist Jews have been doing with impunity since at least 1948.It comes as no suprise that punk Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera as well as that blind loser David Blunkett (the German Shepard to Blair's poodle) who recently admitted in an interview to advising Blair to bomb Al Jazeera in Quatar.If these international war criminals couldn't accept a relatively free Arab press operating in the Arab world they are busy destroying, no wonder the Jew financier war machine and all its organs will do their damdest to make sure there is no other spin to their lies in amerika. They OWN the amerikan masses and will continue to milk these sheep and goats as they see fit. Simple repetitive propaganda laced with soft porn and platitudes, hubris and patriotic muck has worked like a charm and kept the masses docile and pliable and by god that's the way they want it to stay!"The truth" as Murdoch so aptly put it "is what I say it is."
- Ramirez


IonTruO2 said...

Same ol shit, same ol spew. How pathetic. You festering little low life. Even the real neo-nazis would kick your sorry ass for making them look bad with this endless mind drivel of yours.

Quoting YOUR typical effort at typing.
"You're a total idiot and retard.

There is nothing confirming ANYTHING about ANYTHING you write about."

Hear your own thoughts, they come from you and return to you, because that is all you got. That is YOUR truth-now erased from BLOG.

Spend your lifetime snarling at the Jews and before you know it your at the end and your still a bitter ol man and then your life is over, realizing that you WASTED IT ALL on such distraction.
What will you think when it is done, as life is so short?

Then you will realize what a bunch of shit you wasted your time cultivating your thoughts and view on. Regret and remorse will be a powerful thing when it kicks you in the head and you realize your heart withered away along time ago. OOPS!

Wake up you little Canadian Shit, and realize you are already free and living the good life.
BE grateful for your liberty and make some good use out of your thoroughly privileged life, for its only afterward you will realize what a total waste of your life time this all was.

Biological_Unit said...

Same old shit.

Two-thirds of the Jews of Europe dissapeared.

I want you to name ONE wealthy, famous one.

You cannot !

Biological_Unit said...

Spend your lifetime snarling at the Jews

They did 911.

Why don't you snarl at them ?

Biological_Unit said...

BE grateful for your liberty and make some good use out of your thoroughly privileged life

I'm not a sheltered fairy like you !
I grew up in a Hockey town, while you never got past "Meditation Faggot", the kind the Dalai Lama would laugh at . . . pansy !

Biological_Unit said...

the real neo-nazis

They're all JEWS of course !

Biological_Unit said...

You're a total idiot and retard.

There is nothing confirming ANYTHING about ANYTHING you write about

For the casual reader: this refers to a period when Iantruououo posted everything in his 1979 OMNI's as if they were happening now . . .

I understand Scientologists do the same with Dead Peadophile L. Ron Hubbard.

How is swArd and his new partnership with his young Gay hustler friend ?




Biological_Unit said...

realize your heart withered

That's an odd thing to say to a highly-toned endurance athlete !!

Heart-Rate, VO2 Max, all in the top percentiles . . .

Biological_Unit said...

Hear your own thoughts, they come from you and return to you, because that is all you got. That is YOUR truth-now erased from BLOG.

What got erased ?