Below you will find an excerpt from an email message sent out by the
National Council of Young Israel--an ultra-pro-zionist group.
SZM&PL>Chill Political Wind Threatens U.S.-Israel Relations
SZM&PL>Shlomo Z. Mostofsky and Rabbi Pesach Lerner
SZM&PL> For decades, the bedrock of the relationship
SZM&PL>between the United States and Israel has been an unbreakable SZM&PL>bond
built on trust and a mutual respect for the ideals and SZM&PL>practices of
democracy. Surrounded by enemies on all sides, SZM&PL>Israel has always known it
could rely on its powerful ally to SZM&PL>support and stand with it in times of
need. Similarly, in SZM&PL>dealing with a region characterized by strife and
turmoil, the SZM&PL>U.S. has always known it could rely on its sole democratic
ally SZM&PL>in the Middle East.
Since it seems the jewrusalem post now keeps tabs on us, perhaps
Pesach and Shlomo do as well...
If we've always known we could rely on our supposed sole "democratic" ally,
why is it we had to have a huge base built to
operate out of in Saudi Arabia for the Persian Gulf War and also
had bases in Kuwait? Why could we rely on Iran when the Shah
of Iran ran it?
How much more difficult was it to secure permission to build the
base in Saudi Arabia after decades of zionist interests doing
everything in their not-inconsiderable power to try to prevent
us from proving we were not enemies to other nations in that
region by selling them defensive weapons systems ilke AWACS and
F-15s? We did sell those systems, but surely not at the full
functional levels of operational readiness the buyers would
have preferred--in other words not capable of standing against
zionists equipped with the fully-functional versions of same.
Everything we do for zionism makes anything we'd like to accomplish
with the rest of the middle-east ten times as difficult.
Further, I strongly suspect much of our problems with other
middle eastern states are as much a function of how badly
the zionist deep cover operatives can poison that well as they
are any fundamental cultural/religious differences which
are not able to be overcome. After all, if the nation which stood
as the one significant bulwark against the communist takeover of
the Whole Earth can now play patty-cakes with one of the last
worst communist behemoths--the PRC--I really don't see why
we should be having ANY problems getting along with ayatollahs
and such-like who have so much in common with many of our
right-wing religious types.
Why was Turkey allowing us to keep those nuclear-tipped missiles up in
Turkey which so incensed the CCCP that
they surreptitiously placed nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba--the
genesis of the Cuban Missile Crisis (which I am old enough to
personally remember, BTW)?
It seems to me we have a number of good friends in the middle east,
even if not all of them are demo-commie terrorist states
with heavy overtones of rabid anti-semitism against the group
in the middle-east who can really claim that title as an
undiluted group of semites---the Arabs.
It seems to me the Hashemites over there in Jordan were a
pretty darn good friend to "the west" when they agreed to help
"great" britain oust the turks from Palestine---a certain
prerequisite to it's ever having even been partitioned and then
recreated "israel" by dint of western power entirely.
They were intending to be friends of the western powers in
so-doing, anyway. I think they sort of got shafted on the deal
they thought they had.
So Shlomo and Pesach, just precisely what benefit has
your favorite terrorist anti-semitic faux state provided to
the United States of America for all we've given and sacrificed
to it? I don't know of one single dog-darn thing.
One time an idiot who just happens to by my double-cousin told
me the zionists had overrun a SAM site provided the Arabs
by the CCCP and they'd gained extremely valuable information
"for us" to have in designing countermeasures against the CCCP's
This was supposed to "make up" for things like what was done to
the U.S.S. Liberty intentionally, according to my idiot double-cousin.
Well, given the amount of money we poured down that zionist
rat hole to get that information, I'd be willing to bet we could
have had the information far cheaper by spending a lot less
than that on increases in our own intelligence-gathering and operational
covert agencies' budgets.
If you want something done right; do it yourself! I've found that
to be true so many times I don't even want to think about it. The
only reason I don't do everything done on my behalf myself
is simply that some things you can't easily do for yourself--like
dentistry and surgery--or because if you did everything for yourself you'd
have no time left to do anything else. The same is not true of our nation
though. We as a nation are perfectly capable of doing operations and
collecting intelligence data--and our own
sources are the only ones we can even begin to trust with any confidence.
Anything we get from "friends" is sure to be slanted to their advantage. It's
just too much of a temptation.
Incidents like that claimed by my cousin/cousin caused our politicians to
we could rely more heavily on the zionist intelligence agencies while at the
very self-same time you'll find noted jew names in our congress pushing for
hearings into "civil rights violations" by
our own intelligence agencies--crippling ours so we'd be entirely
reliant for what we'd know--or not know---on the zionists.
And let us not forget that the countermeasures against SAM missile sites
did not benefit only the U.S., but certainly was included and shared-back
with the zionists, who were highly vulnerable to such air defense
emplacements when fighting their expansionist wars of aggression against their
understandably reluctant neighbors-by-force. Fighting them and vulnerable to
those systems while using our military hardware. They only obtained the
information on the SAM sites because it would come back to them in more
SAM-resistant war-birds with operational techniques developed by us at our
expense and shared with their pilots.
We know from the Ostrovsky/Hoy book some jew state supreme court judge tried
to keep from being published here that when it came time to warn us about a
huge truck-bomb being prepared in a shop which regularly installed "slicks"
in the personal vehicles of i"d"f goons stationed in Southern Lebanon to
smuggle contraband drugs and who-knows-what-else back into their own country,
our wonderful "democratic friends" apparently decided to take a vote on
whether or not the lives of our USMC personnel were worth letting it slip
that the vehicle-modification shop was known about, and in the end the vote
went against the lives of our USMC servicemen.
We're not talking about weighing lives against lives, we're
talking about weighing lives against continuing to know
about your own corrupt soldiers smuggling activities. I don't see
where the two are even on the same level at all.
We also know that the mossadists had a pretty good idea there was going to be
something worth filming from the roof of a jew warehouse near the WTTs so that
some were set-up ready to film the festivities in time to film both planes
going into the buildings.
It just buggers the imagination to think they could have been set up to film it
all and not have had some useful warnings to impart to us so that so many
would not have had to die--but then if they hadn't died, would we have been so
free-and-easy with the zionist incursions into Palestinian territory with no
meaningful oversight? Would Bush have been so likely to veer off into the
long-sought jew demand for the ouster of Saddam had those planes not been
allowed to (mostly) do their dirty deeds?
I don't think so!
So where's the benefit? Every time they have an opportunity to really
benefit us in some way which would possibly cost them the secrecy of their
sources for finding it out---intelligence assets in the arab world, in other
words---it seems they always take one of their middle-eastern-democratic
votes or something and the decision is to preserve their intelligence asset, no
matter how inconsequnetial it might be, at the expense of our lives.
During the Gulf War the zionists demanded of GHW Bush our recognition
codes for everything that flies in the theatre of war so that messy
accidents can be avoided? I'm talking about transponder codes on planes,
most likely missiles and quite possibly even large shells.
He refused them this. Good for him. After not "getting Saddam" and not
handing over those codes, the poor man was harangued in every corner of "our"
media--especially in the entertainment media---until he had no possible chance
of being elected.
His son handed over the codes upon request. He "got Saddam". He got to be
reelected. Go figure.
I wonder how much the North Koreans and the PRC will pay them for those or
what concessions they'll reciprocate--like countermeasures for weapons
systems they sell Arabs/muslims which the zionists may someday face in
Don't laugh!
Because Shlomo and Pesach are NOT our friends, and neither is their pet
terrorist state, "israel".
Don't be fooled!
The truth lives!
James R. Stenzel
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
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