Saturday, July 25, 2009

According to the Torah teachings, Jews are in exile by divine decree. They are forbidden to leave exile and create their own state by physical means. Secondly, Jewish law forbids Jews to rebel against any other nations. Jews are required to be loyal citizens in the countries in which they reside. Hence, the state of "Israel" is forbidden.
The creation of the state of "Israel" transgresses these and other basic principles of Torah law.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Below you will find an excerpt from an email message sent out by the
National Council of Young Israel--an ultra-pro-zionist group.

SZM&PL>Chill Political Wind Threatens U.S.-Israel Relations
SZM&PL>Shlomo Z. Mostofsky and Rabbi Pesach Lerner

SZM&PL> For decades, the bedrock of the relationship
SZM&PL>between the United States and Israel has been an unbreakable SZM&PL>bond
built on trust and a mutual respect for the ideals and SZM&PL>practices of
democracy. Surrounded by enemies on all sides, SZM&PL>Israel has always known it
could rely on its powerful ally to SZM&PL>support and stand with it in times of
need. Similarly, in SZM&PL>dealing with a region characterized by strife and
turmoil, the SZM&PL>U.S. has always known it could rely on its sole democratic
ally SZM&PL>in the Middle East.

Since it seems the jewrusalem post now keeps tabs on us, perhaps
Pesach and Shlomo do as well...

If we've always known we could rely on our supposed sole "democratic" ally,
why is it we had to have a huge base built to
operate out of in Saudi Arabia for the Persian Gulf War and also
had bases in Kuwait? Why could we rely on Iran when the Shah
of Iran ran it?

How much more difficult was it to secure permission to build the
base in Saudi Arabia after decades of zionist interests doing
everything in their not-inconsiderable power to try to prevent
us from proving we were not enemies to other nations in that
region by selling them defensive weapons systems ilke AWACS and
F-15s? We did sell those systems, but surely not at the full
functional levels of operational readiness the buyers would
have preferred--in other words not capable of standing against
zionists equipped with the fully-functional versions of same.

Everything we do for zionism makes anything we'd like to accomplish
with the rest of the middle-east ten times as difficult.
Further, I strongly suspect much of our problems with other
middle eastern states are as much a function of how badly
the zionist deep cover operatives can poison that well as they
are any fundamental cultural/religious differences which
are not able to be overcome. After all, if the nation which stood
as the one significant bulwark against the communist takeover of
the Whole Earth can now play patty-cakes with one of the last
worst communist behemoths--the PRC--I really don't see why
we should be having ANY problems getting along with ayatollahs
and such-like who have so much in common with many of our
right-wing religious types.

Why was Turkey allowing us to keep those nuclear-tipped missiles up in
Turkey which so incensed the CCCP that
they surreptitiously placed nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba--the
genesis of the Cuban Missile Crisis (which I am old enough to
personally remember, BTW)?

It seems to me we have a number of good friends in the middle east,
even if not all of them are demo-commie terrorist states
with heavy overtones of rabid anti-semitism against the group
in the middle-east who can really claim that title as an
undiluted group of semites---the Arabs.

It seems to me the Hashemites over there in Jordan were a
pretty darn good friend to "the west" when they agreed to help
"great" britain oust the turks from Palestine---a certain
prerequisite to it's ever having even been partitioned and then
recreated "israel" by dint of western power entirely.

They were intending to be friends of the western powers in
so-doing, anyway. I think they sort of got shafted on the deal
they thought they had.

So Shlomo and Pesach, just precisely what benefit has
your favorite terrorist anti-semitic faux state provided to
the United States of America for all we've given and sacrificed
to it? I don't know of one single dog-darn thing.

One time an idiot who just happens to by my double-cousin told
me the zionists had overrun a SAM site provided the Arabs
by the CCCP and they'd gained extremely valuable information
"for us" to have in designing countermeasures against the CCCP's

This was supposed to "make up" for things like what was done to
the U.S.S. Liberty intentionally, according to my idiot double-cousin.

Well, given the amount of money we poured down that zionist
rat hole to get that information, I'd be willing to bet we could
have had the information far cheaper by spending a lot less
than that on increases in our own intelligence-gathering and operational
covert agencies' budgets.

If you want something done right; do it yourself! I've found that
to be true so many times I don't even want to think about it. The
only reason I don't do everything done on my behalf myself
is simply that some things you can't easily do for yourself--like
dentistry and surgery--or because if you did everything for yourself you'd
have no time left to do anything else. The same is not true of our nation
though. We as a nation are perfectly capable of doing operations and
collecting intelligence data--and our own
sources are the only ones we can even begin to trust with any confidence.
Anything we get from "friends" is sure to be slanted to their advantage. It's
just too much of a temptation.

Incidents like that claimed by my cousin/cousin caused our politicians to
we could rely more heavily on the zionist intelligence agencies while at the
very self-same time you'll find noted jew names in our congress pushing for
hearings into "civil rights violations" by
our own intelligence agencies--crippling ours so we'd be entirely
reliant for what we'd know--or not know---on the zionists.

And let us not forget that the countermeasures against SAM missile sites
did not benefit only the U.S., but certainly was included and shared-back
with the zionists, who were highly vulnerable to such air defense
emplacements when fighting their expansionist wars of aggression against their
understandably reluctant neighbors-by-force. Fighting them and vulnerable to
those systems while using our military hardware. They only obtained the
information on the SAM sites because it would come back to them in more
SAM-resistant war-birds with operational techniques developed by us at our
expense and shared with their pilots.

We know from the Ostrovsky/Hoy book some jew state supreme court judge tried
to keep from being published here that when it came time to warn us about a
huge truck-bomb being prepared in a shop which regularly installed "slicks"
in the personal vehicles of i"d"f goons stationed in Southern Lebanon to
smuggle contraband drugs and who-knows-what-else back into their own country,
our wonderful "democratic friends" apparently decided to take a vote on
whether or not the lives of our USMC personnel were worth letting it slip
that the vehicle-modification shop was known about, and in the end the vote
went against the lives of our USMC servicemen.

We're not talking about weighing lives against lives, we're
talking about weighing lives against continuing to know
about your own corrupt soldiers smuggling activities. I don't see
where the two are even on the same level at all.

We also know that the mossadists had a pretty good idea there was going to be
something worth filming from the roof of a jew warehouse near the WTTs so that
some were set-up ready to film the festivities in time to film both planes
going into the buildings.

It just buggers the imagination to think they could have been set up to film it
all and not have had some useful warnings to impart to us so that so many
would not have had to die--but then if they hadn't died, would we have been so
free-and-easy with the zionist incursions into Palestinian territory with no
meaningful oversight? Would Bush have been so likely to veer off into the
long-sought jew demand for the ouster of Saddam had those planes not been
allowed to (mostly) do their dirty deeds?

I don't think so!

So where's the benefit? Every time they have an opportunity to really
benefit us in some way which would possibly cost them the secrecy of their
sources for finding it out---intelligence assets in the arab world, in other
words---it seems they always take one of their middle-eastern-democratic
votes or something and the decision is to preserve their intelligence asset, no
matter how inconsequnetial it might be, at the expense of our lives.

During the Gulf War the zionists demanded of GHW Bush our recognition
codes for everything that flies in the theatre of war so that messy
accidents can be avoided? I'm talking about transponder codes on planes,
most likely missiles and quite possibly even large shells.

He refused them this. Good for him. After not "getting Saddam" and not
handing over those codes, the poor man was harangued in every corner of "our"
media--especially in the entertainment media---until he had no possible chance
of being elected.

His son handed over the codes upon request. He "got Saddam". He got to be
reelected. Go figure.

I wonder how much the North Koreans and the PRC will pay them for those or
what concessions they'll reciprocate--like countermeasures for weapons
systems they sell Arabs/muslims which the zionists may someday face in

Don't laugh!

Because Shlomo and Pesach are NOT our friends, and neither is their pet
terrorist state, "israel".

Don't be fooled!

The truth lives!

James R. Stenzel

Sunday, May 03, 2009

-- In, "Steven Salemi"
> Jim, I missed the story/history of the Weltner/Stenzel relationship/rift.
Could you provide a wikipedia-style description for the curious??? SS
> Sent from A BlackBerry

Okay, fair enough.

There's no real rift between myself and Frank Weltner.

I own his life's-work, now mainly being
at the right place at the right time.

I met Weltner from hearing his calls on a local
call-in-talk radio station, WGNU 920 A.M., operated
and owned by Charles "Chuck" Norman. "The Old Chuckaroo"
as he was sometimes called believed in the principle
of free speech and put his personal fortune where his
mouth was.

I could go on all day about that. The day-time show fare
was generally people from the community who were not
professional broadcasters. They'd get two hours one
day a week and were expected to take one call after another
and be fair. The callers could call once each show.

At night they had network shows and on weekends various
churches paid for time--and anyone could generally
buy time and have their own show.

Here's a link to more information about Chuck Norman and
WGNU if you're interested:

Weltner got himself a little show on Fridays discussing
a variety of topics. His show was fairly popular, but
eventually he stepped on the ADL land-mine, discussing
a topical news story at that time about scientific/forensic
challenges to some of the holocaust claims--mainly
against the scope of the disaster, not so much
a total denial of it. He further compounded that "sin"
by matter-of-factly mentioning that communism is a jew
invention. I was shown the letter of complaint they sent
the station and it really seemed they were more concerned
by the latter than the former--just my impression.

At about this time the station's owner was suffering from
health issues and his housekeeper was being given an
increasing amount of control of the station. She responded
to an ADL complaint against Weltner and fired him. A friend
and I called up Chuck on his personal line and informed
him of this fact and he had him reinstated immediately.
After we had, his housekeeper, an Assemblies of God minister,
came on the line and angrily forbade us to "bother" him again.

Chuck's history in these matters had been to respond to
threats of boycotts from such groups by promising them
they were not going to control the content of his station's
programming and he'd make the difference up out-of-pocket
if their boycotting succeeded in lowering the station's
income. Basically I think he wasn't trying to make any
profit for himself--he was well-fixed. Revenues went to the
operating costs and salaries of the off-air staff.

On-air personalities got a certain amount of ad time
they could sell and keep the proceeds of--that was my

Most were on-air to grind their particular axe.

A wide spectrum of diverse views were represented.
There was no prior restraint on callers unless they
couldn't control themselves from using expletives,
making threats on-air or personal attacks.

Weltner and I were aware of each other from our calling-
in, and then of course he got to know me better from
my calling his show when he had one. We became
off-air friends as many of the callers and some of the
hosts did. At that station you could call the producer
and ask to have someone's phone number and the next
time that person would call they'd ask if it was alright
and often-as-not you'd get the number. Some callers
were so well known and trusted they'd just give them
the number, especially if the other party had already
acquiesced to most such requests.

A whole network of intersecting friendships and acquaintences
was formed that way. I've been cycling down a road, had
someone honk and motion me over and have it be someone
who knew me from WGNU. I didn't know them, but they
knew it must be me.

I used to talk to Weltner while he was online doing
work on jewwatch--before it became so notorious.
In fact, I used to question the value of even putting
it together--I figured most people already had their minds
pretty-well made up whether or not they approved of
zionism or not and it wouldn't influence anyone much
either way.

He surprised me though, once I saw it. I don't know if it's
going to influence anyone--clearly the zionists think so and
that's why they want it off the internet---but it sure did
provide a one-stop-shopping experience for those seeking
more in-depth and uncensored information on the subject.

As the years flew by he increased his internet presence,
started making streaming radio programs after the ADL
succeeded in having him fired from his radio show and
eventually got into the online videos.

His site became more and more visited.
Evidently there was quite a lot of "buzz" in the zionist
world about what a big threat it must be and that probably
drove the results ranking of it on Google up when
one did a search of the term "jew". That in and of itself
became a huge controversy and source of angst for the
zionists and they began a campaign to drive the
search results ranking down.

They showed their arrogance by demanding google modify their
search-engine so as to exclude jewwatch. They weren't willing
to modify their ultra-successful search algorithms--but they did put up a
search result on the search-term "jew" which was
"fiddled" to appear first from google themselves to "inform"
people that "nice people" don't type the letters j, e, and w
together. "Nice people" include the suffix ish.

If they would do that much, now that there are fifty or
so results before my site on the use of the term "jew",
I tend to wonder if they also didn't pass information to the
owners of some of the sites which are now higher-ranked
on things they could do to cause their sites to
rank higher on that search term. That wouldn't in any-way
compromise the successful nature of their search engine, but
would undoubtedly make the haters of jewwatch's truths
deleriously happy.

As far as I'm concerned I'm on there, my information is available.

Nobody who's looking for a source of information like mine is
going to be satisfied with those others. I have faith that just as I do not
stop in the first "hit" on a page of citations returned
on a search of a certain term, neither will the rest of humanity.

I suppose that's one of my differences of opinion with Frank Weltner.
He was extremely happy to find out his site was ranked #1 on a
page of returns for the term "jew". I can only assume it's
a good thing I took it over before it started sinking in rank
because I'm sure he'd be extremely upset if he were still involved.

Many sites sprung up deriding Weltner. Some sites
offered more supportive mention.

After the ADL was finally successful in having his show
removed from WGNU--that being after Chuck Norman became too
ill and infirm to take an active role in it's operation
and management--he tried to become involved in the
local chapter of the National Alliance. That lasted for
awhile and under his tutelage they distributed many
fliers around the metropolitan area which generated a lot
of "concern" on the part of the usual suspects, which
in-turn generated more of the much-cherished free

During those times the main message being spread was to
love your own kind. There was no specification as to what
that kind was. Admittedly there was usually a graphic of
a beautiful young caucasian woman.

Of course that increased the pressure to get him off the
internet. The local newspaper printed a story about
him which pointed out that his door frame has a
jew charm designed to hold prayer for the happiness
of the household--originally conceived I believe as
a sign for the angel-of-death to "pass-over" that
house. Further the reporter managed to ferret-out
that Weltner had originally lived in that house with
and shared expenses with another (at that time)
local playwright who was also a flamboyant
well-known member of the homosexual community in St. Louis.

Much was made of this and I think they achieved their
desired effect of driving a wedge between Weltner and
his National Alliance associates. That was probably
a bad move on their part as they've received just about
no positive publicity after they came to a parting-of
-the-ways with him.

I think over the years all the personal attacks on him
started to show and it seemed as if he was getting
disgusted with the whole endeavor. I think when
the jerks got his videos kicked off you tube it really
discouraged him.

I bought the site with the idea-in-mind of providing him
a respite so that (possibly) he could come back refreshed
and with a renewed sense of purpose. I'm still hoping that
could happen.

I would never have created the site in the first place,
but since it has been done I'm interested in seeing
it continue to be available.

There is no rift, but I don't want to bother him or
be in contact with him so that he can have a total
vacation from the whole issue or anything touching on it.

Even if he doesn't ever take the site back fully, perhaps
he will begin contributing to it again--the videos or
doing articles, or even just suggestions for additions
or ideas on how the site might branch out.

Meanwhile I hope he's having a fine time not being bothered
with the whole issue. I keep tabs on him through mutual
friends. He's doing fine (for the benefit of those
who think my owning the site now means something dire
had happened).

Admittedly when I bought the site I lived in a free
country and thought it would always remain so. Since
seeing the controversy erupt regarding the report
produced by my home state defining even such mild
dissidents as those who supported Ron Paul for President
as potential domestic terrorist threats and considering
our new governor is the same individual who tried to
pull that nonsense on Weltner about the Katrina victims
donations, I'm beginning to wonder if it was such a
good idea to buy jewwatch after-all.

Ron Paul got wind of that report--to be circulated to
Missouri law-enforcement personnel and it angered him.
He made a formal demand that his name be redacted from
the report and the publicity surrounding that made our
new governor/former prosecuting attorney look pretty
silly. He denied knowledge of the report or the personnel
at the state agency which authored it.

Too bad for him someone dug up the fact that his
own office had issued a press release bragging about
how he'd briefed Janet Napolitano on the agency and
it's operation and too bad also the report came out with
his name on the header two full months after he
took office...

This is the quality of the types of people one will
generally find attacking Weltner and his works.

They can dish it out, but they can't take it--and
that's the central issue with the objections
to the site and the information found thereon.

The zionists and their friends and accomplices love
to ferret out destructive information on all those
who might possibly stand between zionism and it's
objectives. In fact, they tend to embellish quite a
bit. John Demjanjuk is a perfect case-study in that.

They embellished that one so badly even their own
kangaroo-courts couldn't uphold the "conviction".
If it had been any fair-minded nation the liars
who nearly put a noose around the poor old guy's
neck would have been prosecuted and convicted.

Then when someone creates a collection of information
about them, some of which is less-than-
flattering and puts it where it's conveniently-available,
you'd think it was the end of the world.

I think it's worthy-of-note when a group exaggerates
it's supposed victimization at the hands of every
other group. On that Frank Weltner and I agree. We
have some areas of disagreement, always have and always
will. We're both of a group which is regularly unfairly
savaged by a wide variety of other groups but all-too
-frequently at the bottom of these savagings of the
reputation of the european gentiles, if one looks
closely one will find jews. It's usually pretty blatant.

I even consider the mere proliferation of "holocaust
museums" inside the borders of that very nation which
brought an end to whatever the true basis of the
holohoax is to be such a disparagement. It's all-
to-obvious that a nation which has played host to jews--
mostly with a great deal of tolerance--since before it
was a nation is being singled-out for attention as a
supposed hot-bed of "anti-semitism". Nothing could
be further from the truth.

A thorough expose on the misdeeds of jews in service
of various jew causes is called-for in order that
the true level of the withholding of just retribution
on the part of most european gentiles and their nations
religions cultures and other groups can be accurately
discerned. It's only in light of the true range of behavior
by jews and zionists to those outside their own group
that the level of restraint by those outside their
exclusive group can be accurately judged.

They wish to control their image.

Neither Frank Weltner nor myself intend to allow that.
We're certainly not the only ones. I'm not certain whether
we're the only ones who won't allow it for precisely
that particular reason.

Whether or not I'm in contact with our benefactor
I try to be constantly guided by him through his
high moral principles.

James R. Stenzel

Monday, April 27, 2009

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 03:22:12 -0700
From: ********
Subject: Re: you
To: *****@*****.com

GB>What happened to Frank Weltner ?

He sold me his website because he was tired of all the abuse and the constant attempts to do anything which might result in getting jewwatch off the internet. He needed to step back from it because it was having negative impacts on his life.

Nothing has happened to him and mutual acquaintances inform me he's doing well.

Had you heard something to the contrary or were you just curious? (or hopeful?)

It's difficult enough to fight off "burn-out" when you're expected
by those who pay your wages to be there on-time, every day year after year. When you call all the shots about what you're
going to do on any particular day it's that much more difficult.

I'd like to see Frank buy the site back and return to business-as-
usual. I'm not fool enough to think I am as good at what he did--or any part of it--as he was.

For the time being we'll just have to struggle along without him.
He's returned to being a private citizen.

So, how 'bout you? Anything happen to you lately?

As for me, (the subject field of your message) I'm afraid
I've received some bad news recently. It seems all the
experts agree---I'm "un-evolved". Further, it seems that
I speak in some sort of rustic back-woods Appalachian
dialect and I never even realized it! I know it's true---I
read it on the internet.

Do you suppose there's some reason your message appeared
in my spam folder instead of my inbox?


Friday, April 24, 2009

The Shamelessness of Jane Harman

She should have the decency to step down

by Justin Raimondo, April 24, 2009

Confronted with clear evidence that she tried to obstruct justice in the case of Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman — two former top AIPAC officials slated to go on trial for espionage on June 2 — Rep. Jane Harman, a California Democrat, did what politicians usually do when forced to face unpleasant facts: she brazened it out. In a response to the Congressional Quarterly piece by Jeff Stein that has proved such an entertaining embarrassment, she brayed:

“These claims are an outrageous and recycled canard, and have no basis in fact. I never engaged in any such activity. Those who are peddling these false accusations should be ashamed of themselves.”

Notice how she doesn’t deny saying that she would “engage in any such activity,” i.e. that she would intervene with the Bush White House and the Justice Department to get the charges in the Rosen-Weissman case reduced or dropped — instead, she says she never kept her promise to the “suspected Israeli agent,” as the CQ piece described her interlocutor. What? A politician who breaks a promise? I’m shocked! — shocked!

Seriously, though, from this one might infer that Harman is utterly shameless, but, then again, maybe not. On Wednesday night, she showed up at the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s glitzy “Welcome to Washington” event, although, as Roll Call reported, “she kept a low profile. [Heard on the Hill] spotted the Congresswoman entering the theater in darkness just after the curtain went up, and then saw her slip out while performers gave their final bows.”

As Shakespeare put it in Cymbelline:

“Though those that are betrayed

Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor

Stands in worse case of woe.”

Could it be that Harman does have a sense of shame — or was she just trying to avoid reporters?

In any case, Rep. Harman is not alone in her shamelessness, not as long as there are people like David Frum around. Frum, you ‘ll recall, is the author of the “axis of evil” trope, fired from his White House speechwriting job for grandstanding — or, rather, for his wife’s grandstanding — and now embarked on a crusade to save the GOP from “extremism” — this from a man who wrote a book calling for the invasion of nearly every country in the Middle East, and advocating total surveillance of the American people by government authorities. He also wrote a deranged piece for National Review that attacked antiwar conservatives as “traitors.” This last is a bit much to take given his latest: a piece portraying Harman — and Rosen and Weissman — as “heroes,” and smearing US prosecutors as anti-Semites and worse.

According to Frum, the thievery of vital US intelligence engaged in by Rosen and Weissman — stealing highly classified secrets related to Al Qaeda, providing documents revealing internal US government discussions, and various other sensitive items — never happened. These acts are described in the indictment, but Frum isn’t interested in the indictment, or in even knowing the details of the government’s case. All that he tells us is that “the story is almost insanely complicated” — when it actually isn’t at all complicated, unless one is trying willfully to misunderstand the charges and their basis in fact.

Rosen and Weissman systematically milked former Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin for top secret information to which he had access, and he handed over a veritable treasure trove of secrets: Franklin kept over 80 top secret documents, filched from Pentagon files, at his home, doubtless for reference in case his handlers (Rosen and Weissman) needed to answer an inquiry from their handler (Naor Gilon, chief of political affairs at the Israeli embassy). The spy nest met over a period of two years, always after taking elaborate security precautions: the indictment details one meeting during which the spies switched locations three times. These guys knew what they were doing was treasonous, and rightly feared they were being followed.

None of this makes it into Frum’s narrative, however. Instead, he narrowly focuses in on one detail of the case, and comes up with a truly lame ”explanation” for the arrest and alleged “persecution” of all involved:

“Elements within the FBI and other U.S. agencies have been convinced for years that Israeli spy agencies have penetrated the U.S. government. These anti-Israel elements responded with what spy types call a ‘mole hunt’ — a ferocious search for the suspected infiltrator. Again and again, the search has turned up empty. But from the point of view of a mole hunter, nothing is more damning than the absence of evidence: The inability to discover the mole only proves the mole’s vicious cunning!”

Gee, they thought a “mole” had penetrated our national security defenses — now why do you suppose they thought that?

From the point of view of a committed Israel-Firster like Frum, there can never be such a creature as an Israeli mole, and so a “mole hunt” only proves the inherent wickedness (and ill-disguised anti-Semitism) of the hunters. And of course, these mole-hunters are “anti-Israel” — never mind that their job requires them to protect US national security, no matter what country is trying to penetrate our defenses. We all have a duty to look the other way! Frum cites a supposed “lack of evidence,” and yet refuses to even so much as mention the details of the government’s case — except in one instance, which he manages to get totally wrong. Frum writes:

“At last, in October 2005 the mole hunters found their man: a career Defense Department employee named Larry Franklin. Franklin’s offense? Brace yourself …

“Franklin had learned of U.S. intelligence reports that Iranian sabotage teams were operating inside Iraqi Kurdistan. These reports were being disregarded for a reason very familiar in the Bush years: They contained uncomfortable news that higher-ups did not wish to know.

“Franklin, however, thought the information important — maybe vitally important. He thought it needed to be pushed up the organization chart. Lacking the clout to move the information himself, he decided to do what frustrated officials often do: He leaked it.

“Specifically, he leaked the information to two employees — American citizens both — of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, in hope that they could galvanize a response from their contacts in the White House. The two, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, shared Franklin’s information with journalists, colleagues, and the Israeli embassy. For this action, all three were charged with criminal offenses.”

In reality, the story about Iranian “sabotage teams” in Kurdistan was completely made up — by the “mole-hunters,” i.e. the FBI’s counterespionage unit, which had been watching Franklin (as well as his handlers) ever since he showed up at a luncheon attended by Rosen, Weissman, and Naor Gilon, volunteering to commit espionage on Israel’s behalf. They tracked his movements, and listened in on his phone conversations, as he responded to requests for specific information from Rosen and Weissman. After clearly establishing their target’s criminal intent, the G-men pounced, showing up at Franklin’s Kearneysville, West Virginia, home and confronting him with his treason. Franklin admitted his crimes, and agreed to help the feds nab his accomplices in exchange for leniency.

Toward that end, the FBI planted a story — the Kurdistan “sabotage team” story — and sent a “turned” Franklin to meet with his co-conspirators. Franklin told Rosen and Weissman that Israelis who had infiltrated Kurdistan and were engaged in “training” Kurdish militias were in mortal danger from Iranian “saboteurs,” and that furthermore this information was highly classified: he warned them not to use it. It didn’t take too long for them to leak it, bigtime, not only to the Israeli embassy and other AIPAC employees, but to the media as well.

The point of planting this story was to clearly establish the criminal intent of the two AIPAC spies and seal the legal case against them. It’s not clear whether Frum just doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or if he’s deliberately using this story to throw up a smokescreen so as to avoid mentioning the real crimes of Rosen and Weissman — in Frum’s case, I would tilt toward the latter. Whatever — the fact is that Frum is misinforming his readers on a story that is easily checked. Whether it’s sheer laziness, or the habit of deception, I leave to my readers (and Frum’s editors) to decide.

While Frum’s response to the Harman spy scandal is all too predictable, the response from Congress has been to call for an investigation — not of Harman, but of those who uncovered her corruption! If Rep. Harman was overheard telling an Israeli agent that she’d help him get the charges dropped or reduced, in return for political favors from AIPAC — then it’s the eavesdroppers who’re at fault and must be brought to justice. It doesn’t seem to matter that the FBI went before a judge and got approval before they started listening in — nor does the fact that they weren’t listening in on Harman, specifically, but on the “suspected Israeli agent.” All the Democratic-controlled Congress is concerned with is protecting one of its own.

I might add that the Republicans, who are usually quick to pounce on the merest hint of scandal in Democratic ranks, have said not one word about Harman’s embarrassing ties to a spy nest — not a peep. Which makes sense, because they’re just as firmly in the Lobby’s pocket as the Democrats in Congress. Not to mention that whiff of Bush era corruption wafting into the room once we take into account the quashing of the investigation into Harman by then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who saved her skin by averring “We need Jane.” Rep. Harman was the Bush administration’s biggest Democratic ally when it came to massively violating the civil liberties of Americans.

Both parties are in this up to their necks. That’s why Obama’s Justice Department is now openly leaking the information that they’re considering dropping the charges against the AIPAC spies — with nary a protest from either side of the aisle.

It looks like Harman, Frum, and the Lobby have won, after all — despite the mountains of evidence against Rosen and Weissman, and the protests of hardworking patriotic law enforcement officials who are dismayed and demoralized by the blank check our Justice Department is giving Israel to spy and steal our secrets with impunity. They leaked the dirt on Harman out of desperation, in the hope that popular outrage would prevent Israel’s American spies from beating the law and slithering back to their nests.

These decisions, of course, are never made in a vacuum: it’s all about politics, and the politic thing to do is to give in to the Lobby, and neo-Pollardites like Frum. Overseas, this will score the administration some brownie points in Israel, and perhaps soften the right-wing government’s increasingly intransigent stance against the new American president, while domestically it will placate and temporarily silence a vocal claque of critics.

After all, what else could we expect a self-proclaimed “pragmatist” to do?

In a better world, a member of Congress caught on tape agreeing to obstruct justice at the request of an agent of a foreign power would have stepped down as soon as the news hit the headlines. In our shameless era, however, that isn’t likely to happen. Instead, the spies will get off, Israel will continue to steal us blind, and a trial that would have shocked the American people and portrayed Israel in a far more realistic light than our news media dares will never take place.

How’s that for change we can believe in?

However, it doesn’t have to turn out that way. It could be that the patriotic, pro-national security counter-intelligence officials who have exposed the AIPAC spy nest and their enablers in government will have their hopes vindicated — their hope that the American people will protest once they understand how and why espionage is allowed to be practiced openly in our nation’s capital, protected and defended in the very halls of Congress.

The outlook of this shocking case doesn’t look too good at the moment, but that could change — if enough Americans are informed and angry enough to protest. The decision to drop the case, as of this writing, has yet to be made: it’s only that they’re considering dropping it. There’s just one way to lodge your protest, at this point, and that is to contact the US Attorney’s office in the Eastern District of Virginia, where the case is being tried.

Remember, there are no doubt people in that office fighting to keep this case alive — so be polite. Briefly express your disappointment upon reading news reports that the case might be dropped, and your hope that this is not the case.

Call 703-299-3700 — and remember, be nice!

Or, better yet, write a letter, send a telegram, or whatever, and address it to:

US Attorney

Justin W. Williams United States Attorney’s Building
2100 Jamieson Ave
Alexandria, VA 22314

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Choice Does Iran Have?

If Israel attacks, and Americans occupy the country, the Iranians will live like dogs. Special Israeli bombers will cleanse the country of any resistance. And the occupation forces will control the Federal police, and install Death Squads like they did in Iraq.

Notice that countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc, who are satellite puppets of Israel, never get threatened by al Queda. No bombs in Kuwait's restaurants, and Mosques.

Monday, April 20, 2009

  1. Defending Zionism: Iran - the First Jewish State

  2. Defending Zionism is a blogspot dedicated to defending the ... MEMRI: Middle Eastern Media Research Institute. Palestinian Media Watch. Honest Reporting ... - Cached
  3. Now Israel staged the Dafur Genocide. Bias of UK Media and Academia now in the Open. Political Correctness and Islam in the UK. Lebanon learns a lesson in hypocrisy ... - Cached
  4. Now Israel staged the Dafur Genocide. Bias of UK Media and Academia now in the Open. Political Correctness and Islam in the UK. Lebanon learns a lesson in hypocrisy ... - Cached
  5. Now Israel staged the Dafur Genocide. Bias of UK Media and Academia now in the Open. Political Correctness and Islam in the UK. Lebanon learns a lesson in hypocrisy ... - 121k - Cached
  6. Defending Zionism is a blogspot dedicated to defending the ... MEMRI: Middle Eastern Media Research Institute. Palestinian Media Watch. Honest Reporting ... - Cached
  7. Now Israel staged the Dafur Genocide. Bias of UK Media and Academia now in the Open ... Satirical look at Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories. Youtube Documentary ...
  8. Bias of UK Media and Academia now in the Open. Political ... Lebanon learns a lesson in hypocrisy. Satirical look at Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories... - Cached
  9. Now Israel staged the Dafur Genocide. Bias of UK Media and Academia now in the Open. Political Correctness and Islam in the UK. Lebanon learns a lesson in hypocrisy ... - Cached
  10. The Threat of the Jewish People. The West has been defeated by its own values ... MEMRI: Middle Eastern Media Research Institute. Palestinian Media Watch ... - Cached

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Darrikk said...

Jame's, it appears you been trying to contact me regarding Defending Zionism. My direct email is
Let me know how I can help.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

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