Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why No Norad On 911?
By Douglas Herman, USAF Veteran
Exclusive to

"We, to this day, don't know why NORAD told us what they told us. It was just so far from the truth." -- Thomas H. Kean, Commission Chairman, to the Washington Post:

At best, the top US generals tasked with defending the skies above America failed miserably on September 11, 2001. Dereliction of duty, resulting in the death of even one person, is a serious court martial offense. At worst, US Generals Myers, Arnold, Eberhart and Weaver, among many others, were guilty of something far greater. NORAD and the Pentagon chiefs not only failed, but apparently intended to fail, to protect the skies above America, resulting in the deaths of nearly 3,000 citizens.

I will get to my primary theory why NORAD pilots were not permitted to intercept ANY of the four alleged hijacker jetliners on September 11, 2001. As everyone knows by now, the four jumbo jets were "allegedly" hijacked. I use the word allegedly because not one of the eight Boeing pilots and co-pilots pushed a four digit code to alert air traffic controllers their planes were being hijacked.

In the nearly 40 minutes between the second WTC tower being struck and the Pentagon being hit, not one USAF fighter plane circled Washington DC. NOT ONE. Andrews Air Force base is about 10-12 air miles from the US capitol by air, less than 90 seconds by fighter jet. NORAD, at that time, was nowhere to be seen.

According to official hearings, held two days after 9-11 the following pertinent questions arose. The reply is revealing as were the result.

SENATOR BILL NELSON: "General Myers, The second World Trade tower was hit shortly after 9:00. And the Pentagon was hit approximately 40 minutes later. That's approximately. You would know specifically what the timeline was. The crash that occurred in Pennsylvania after the Newark westbound flight was turned around 180 degrees and started heading back to Washington was approximately an hour after the World Trade Center second explosion. You said earlier in your testimony that we had not scrambled any military aircraft until after the Pentagon was hit. And so, my question would be: Why?"

GENERAL MYERS: "I think I had that right, that it was not until then. I'd have to go back and review the exact timelines."

SENATOR BILL NELSON: "Commenting from CNN on the timeline, 9:03 is the correct time that the United Airlines flight crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center; 9:43 is the time that American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. And 10:10 a.m. is the time that United Airlines flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. So that was 40 minutes between the second tower being hit and the Pentagon crash. And it is an hour and seven minutes until the crash occurred in Pennsylvania."

You be the judge here: Was this a massive case of incompetence or were top US generals used as scapegoats on 911? Had SecDef Rumsfeld and Vice president Cheney overridden their powers and quietly assumed command of NORAD in the months before 911? Who was in charge?

According to Micharl Kane: "The war games & terror drills played a critical role in ensuring no Air Force fighter jocks - who had trained their entire lives for this moment - would be able to prevent the attacks from succeeding. These exercises were under Dick Cheney's management."

Prior to the attack, Cheney retreated to the underground shelter of the White House and monitored the incoming flight 77 from there. Curiously, he sought shelter in what would seem to be the top target of any terrorist.

Although Washington DC contained several top targets in the country---the White House, Senate building and Pentagon among others--landmarks representing the status and supremacy of the US, and although the "attack" on America was fully 45 minutes underway, not a single NORAD plane patrolled the skies above DC.

"The facts were not only evidence of incompetence at the highest level, they were suspicious on their face because they smacked of a stand-down; which, if true, was treason," wrote Mark Gaffney. "Within days (after 911) the Pentagon amended its story to allay such concerns."

But where, exactly, were NORAD fighters?

Many were already airborne. Atlantic City F-16 fighters were airborne and only eight minutes away. They were never dispatched. ( Atlantic City F-16 Fighters Were Eight Minutes Away From 9/11) to provide air cover to nearby New York City. Why?

"Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold War, two F-16 fighters from the 177th were parked around the clock on the Atlantic City runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble," said Mike Kelly, of New Jersey Media Group. "But the 177th's jets were not on alert Sept. 11. A series of Pentagon cutbacks, beginning in 1998, changed the wing's mission from scramble-ready status to dropping bombs on enemy positions. In 2000, after two years of training, the 177th was even sent to Saudi Arabia to fly patrols over southern Iraq as part of Operation Southern Watch."

Other NORAD fighters, notably from Otis AFB in Delaware, flew far offshore the Atlantic coastline on 911, part of a series of military exercises that, in a highly suspicious coincidence, occurred simultaneously on September 11, 2001. One of the Otis intercept pilots lamented: "We've been over the flight a thousand times in our minds and I don't know what we could have done to get there any quicker."

William Thomas, a former US Navyman and foreign correspondent, remarked: "For starters, he and his wingman could have tried pushing their twin throttles fully forward. Instead of flying two-and-a-half times faster than a bullet, 'Nasty' and 'Duff' drove their expensive air superiority fighters at a leisurely 447-mph, supposedly to intercept a Boeing 767 flying 43 mph faster!"

When asked why these USAF interceptors were not summoned quicker, to protect New York City, Air National Guard General Paul Weaver said to reporters that each one of the F-15 fighters (top speed 2.5 /1650 mph) flew '"like a scalded ape, topping 500 mph but were unable to catch up to the airliner."

Scalded ape? World War 2 fighter planes flew faster than that--fifty years ago. So why didn't any NORAD fighters intercept the slow-moving Boeings? Was it because of what the fighter pilots might have seen---or was it because of what they couldn't be allowed to see? You be the judge. Here are four possibilities.

1. United and American airlines pilots gesturing wildly, that the jumbo jets were remote controlled.

2. Muslim hijackers ignoring the fighter pilot commands. Had NORAD intercepted the planes, the Boeings would be warned to divert course and, if not, shot down.

3. Nobody at the controls. Instead the planes were remote controlled drones resembling big Boeings.

4. Muslim patsies in the cockpit, gesturing helplessly, at the helm of remote controlled Boeings they were unable to control.

The "official" version is number 2. But one would have thought, given the circumstances, that at least one top gun of NORAD should have closed with at least ONE Boeing and observed it closely--or even shot it down. Right? Perhaps Flight 93 was that ill-fated bird. Instead we are told a heroic struggle ensued. This passenger resistance, whether true or not, provided a fat more inspiring tale and became the single most uplifting note on an overwhelmingly tragic day.

But in explaining the failure of NORAD, pilots had to be kept away, far away, from the first three. They could not be allowed to make VISUAL contact with the planes. They could NOT look down into the cockpits and report what they saw, or didn't see. They had to be diverted far off shore--or not even launched. And so they were. Those hijacked planes--whether remote controlled drones or big Boeings piloted by Muslims--needed to accomplish their mission. Had the NORAD pilots radioed back that the hijackers couldn't control the planes---or that nobody was at the controls of drones---imagine how the entire fabricated story of 911 would have collapsed.

So the FAA had to be the scapegoat. Not NORAD. If the Pentagon--under attack---needed a fresh infusion of cash, since hundreds of billions (2.3 trillion reportedly) was missing---they would have to be exonerated. And That was why, finally, General Richard Myers, seated in his office (allegedly) throughout the ENTIRE 911 attack, was promoted for his inactions (rather than convicted in a military court martial) for dereliction of duty, along with numerous other officials after 911.

At Confirmation Hearings in Washington DC before the Senate Armed Services Committee, while the fires still raged at the WTC and the Pentagon still smoldered, General Richard Myers was nominated and accepted as the Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, on SEPTEMBER 13, 2001. And the Pentagon got their fresh billions.

And 343 firefighters got sent to Fresh Kills.

Douglas Herman wrote the suspense thriller, The Guns of Dallas, soon to be a major motion picture starring Robert de Niro, and writes for Rense regularly.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

BBC Response to the early report of the WTC7 collapse.

"It was a simple goof. That's all. Honest!" -- BTN

The key thing about this non-denial denial is that they in no way claim that the footage is inaccurate or faked. It really does show a BBC reporter announcing the collapse of the WTC-7 while the building is clearly still standing behind her.

(response from the BBC below)

1. We're not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us what to say or do on September 11th. We didn't get told in advance that buildings were going to fall down. We didn't receive press releases or scripts in advance of events happening.

2. In the chaos and confusion of the day, I'm quite sure we said things which turned out to be untrue or inaccurate - but at the time were based on the best information we had. We did what we always did - sourced our reports, used qualifying words like "apparently" or "it's reported" or "we're hearing" and constantly tried to check and double check the information we were receiving.

3. Our reporter Jane Standley was in New York on the day of the attacks, and like everyone who was there, has the events seared on her mind. I've spoken to her today and unsurprisingly, she doesn't remember minute-by-minute what she said or did - like everybody else that day she was trying to make sense of what she was seeing; what she was being told; and what was being told to her by colleagues in London who were monitoring feeds and wires services.

4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I'd love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don't help clear up the issue one way or another.

Monday, February 26, 2007


February 26, 2007
9/11 Building 7 Collapse - WTC7 23 Minute Warning - Salomon Brothers Building

BBC Error ! Huge smoking gun of pre-knowledge collapse of WTC7 *

“On September 11th 2001, BBC World reported at 4:57pm Eastern Time that the Salomon Brothers Building (more commonly known as WTC7 or World Trade Building 7) had collapsed.

This even made the 5pm EST headlines, what is bizarre is that the building did not actually collapse until 5:20pm EST.

9/11 was unusual enough, without BBC World being able to foretell the destiny of WTC 7.

What is even stranger, is that the women reporter is telling the world that the building had collapsed when you can see it in the background over her left shoulder.

Then at 5:15pm EST, just five minutes before the building did actually collapse, her live connection from New York to London mysteriously fails.

So the question is, on 9/11 how did the BBC learn that WTC7 collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did.

Building Seven was 47 storeys, modern in design with structural steel throughout, yet symmetrically collapsed in 6.5 seconds, was someone leaking information.

No steel framed skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire, before or after 9/11, most people who find out about WTC7, believe it was brought down by a controlled demolition, even demolition experts agree.” *

It’s here!!! The smoking gun of 9/11 that can not be disputed. BBC reporters jump the gun reporting the collapse of WTC7 until they cut the feed just 5 minutes prior to the actual demolition. People, the news is choreographed, this proves it and shows how wide spread the disinfo goes. No more denial, this is it….. they have to strike now. I can’t wait for the spin on this blunder, it will be extremely brazen. The timeline is indeed accurate given the anchor’s comments at 00:17:30 into the video where he states “it has been some 8 hours since the attack.” 9 am plus 8 equals 5 pm !!!!! If this clip is faked, then they did an excellent job and we need to know who did it.


update 6:49 pm eastern time, Google has pulled the video completely from their site. I have access to a crude copy and will work diligently to get it back on.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Let’s see if we got everything straight about the heroic hunt for Hunt.
Eli Weasel, age 78, is a hero who courageously survived the Nazi death camps at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and elsewhere during World War II, and then bravely worked for human rights in many parts of the world, saving millions of people. In 1986 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is the intrepid author of more than 40 books based on his hideous, horrible, holocaust experiences. Today he “teaches” at Boston University. (In reality he’s a flaming Zionist, a notorious liar, and a holocaust poseur. He also worked as a journalist for the terrorist Irgun gang, which committed the 1948 massacre at Deir Yassin. In April 2006, Alexander Cockburn demolished Weasel’s book Night as a pack of lies. For example, Eli Weasel goes on and on about how the Nazis slowly burned their victims to death in crematories, while all other “witnesses’” claim that Jews were killed in gas chambers.)
On February 1, Weasel went to a San Francisco conference organized by the Rock Rose institute, and then went to the Argent Hotel. A man approached him in the elevator and asked for an interview. Weasel bravely said he would grant an interview in the hotel lobby, but his assailant wanted an interview in a hotel room, and entered the elevator with Weasel. On the sixth floor, Weasel claimed the man dragged him out of the elevator. Weasel screamed, and the man departed. Weasel, unharmed, courageously told police that the man’s wallet and identification could be found in a car in the hotel’s parking garage. (How did Weasel know this ??????)
Zionist web sites demanded to know why this event was not broadcast on the international news.
On February 6, a man identifying himself as Eric Hunt posted his account of the event on several Web sites, including (Not to be confused with
On February 9, the ADL began a nationwide manhunt for this psychopath, but no troops were pulled out of Iraq to assist. The ADL’s Internet monitoring unit placed calls and an e-mail to Ziopedia’s registered owner, Andrew Winkler, but all communications were simply ignored.
Zionist groups say the “holocaust denial” conference in Iran has inspired holocaust deniers to become incredibly violent, with Eric Hunt being only the first example. Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said: “This shows a new brazen attitude” among holocaust deniers.
Meanwhile on February 9, Eric Hunt contacted his father, Frank Hunt, 49, who works as a prison guard in Archbald, Pennsylvania. Eric Hunt said his car was in the shop, and asked to be picked up at a bus station in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His father came to get him, and later told police he had not seen Eric Hunt for 11 years before that. Eric Hunt stayed with his father for two days.
On February 14, Google disabled its ads that appear on Also, Paypal said it was investigating to determine if could continue to use Paypal to receive donations. Meanwhile, Web traffic soared on Ziopedia. Andrew Winkler says he gauges Ziopedia’s success on the amount of hate e-mail received each week. Less than 3 are poor, but 10 or more excellent. After the Weasel incident, hate mail increased dramatically. Winkler says numerous Internet security software vendors have blacklisted Ziopedia under categories such as hate, violence, racism and political extremism, which makes it harder for people to visit from their workplaces, or from public libraries. Meanwhile StormPay suspended’s account.
On February 16, a judge issued a warrant for Hunt’s arrest. San Francisco police alerted their brave counterparts in Montgomery Township, N.J. — who then tracked Hunt through his credit card purchases.
On February 17, New Jersey police found Hunt in a mental health treatment center in Belle Mead, N.J., located 60 miles from Hunt’s home. Police said Hunt’s mother checked him in. (Apparently Hunt knew the police were after him, and checked into the clinic knowing he would have to use an insanity defense.) Hunt was arrested and charged with stalking, battery, attempted kidnapping, false imprisonment, committing a hate crime, and elder abuse. He is being held without bail in the Somerset County Jail in New Jersey, awaiting extradition to San Francisco.
Lt. Dan Mahoney, head of special investigations for San Francisco police, said Hunt is a holocaust denier who began following holocaust denial organizations after graduating from college. Mahoney said that although Hunt used the Internet to spread profound evil, Hunt acted alone.
Today, Abe Fucksman of the Anti-Defecation League said on his Web site that Hunt’s arrest, “sends a very clear message that holocaust denial is unacceptable. It can have grave consequences on personal level, on a national level, and international level. It must be taken seriously, whether it comes from an individual like Eric Hunt, or a political leader like Ahmadinejad of Iran.”
Zionist gangs hope this incident will spur more countries to adopt “hate crime” legislation. Germany is now pushing for all E.U. member states to outlaw holocaust study. Currently 7 out of 27 E.U. countries have laws specifically outlawing scholarly study. Germany, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the E.U., is hoping to pass new laws before its six-month term is up in July 2007. British historian David Irving served 13 months in an Austrian jail after being found guilty of studying the holocaust. Ernst Zundel just received another five years, and now sits in prison in Mannheim, Germany.
Hillary Clinton weighed in, saying, “The shameful attack on Elie Wiesel is a violent reminder that we must continue to speak out against holocaust denial and against hate crimes that seek to silence free speech.”
Imagine telling the average American, “Did you know that if you study the holocaust, you will go to prison? If you find out that the whole thing was a lie, and you explain that lie to someone else, then international police will hunt you. Did you know that if someone writes an account of being in the Nazi labor camps, and you expose that account as a lie, a fiction, you can be imprisoned as a holocaust denier?”
Who would believe you?
Who wouldn’t call YOU a liar?
How is this any different from a science fiction movie in which the earth has been quietly taken over by aliens, and anyone who exposes those aliens is removed?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

UFO phenomena and Remote Viewing are well "documented"

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Holocaust is well "documented".