This was posted by a "crewmember" of The Enterprise Mission. I thought "I'm too lazy to write in this Blog - this is a way to start out without breaking a sweat."
Right on Dana
In terms of religion, I could not agree more Dana. In my observation, any attempt to direct or constrain spiritual thought and development leads individuals off their natural course with the Creator. For this reason I have come to embrace all spiritual concepts, be that one’s religion or some original personal belief. I have concluded that there is no wrong way to experience or conceptualize the Devine. It was my foray into quantum physics, seeing natural science validate the perceptions of the Eastern religions and philosophies that made me realize this had to be true.
For myself, I maintain in my own mind that people have had personal contact with God’s Mind and Spirit for specific reasons (that we may know our origins, purpose and potential). I believe that Jesus was who he said he was and that we are what he said we were. For my very literal mind using a book such as the Bible is very helpful. I do not have a religion telling me what to make of it though. I was raised an atheist and distrust organized religions. When I did come to a place where my disbelief was shattered I took to trying to become a scholarly expert of the Biblical content, once schooled I sought a church that understood in a similar way what I did. There are no churches that are 100% on the mark I have learned. There are those that are technically correct but spiritually wrong (lacking love etc. . .) and those that are quite technically incorrect but full of loving spiritual energy. In the end my walk with God is up to me.
Our intentions are the measure of our spiritual quality, not our beliefs, in my opinion. What we do and say are the fruit of either good or bad intent. Sometimes our words and actions disguise our intentions but they are not hidden from God. It is almost magical to think God can know everything all at once, but if you explore quantum physics you can understand this as a technical reality. An electron will assume whatever form (particle or wave) we wish to measure it to have in any location (left or right, up or down) of the measuring field we wish to focus on. Our minds are connected to nature in a very real way, it turns out. It scans us and we it. Information is known instantly without regard to distance. Two particles that have become entangled can be separated by vast distances and still instantly mirror each other’s states (high or low energy, up spin down spin, etc. . .) as if still entangled! This demonstrates that something is connecting mind to matter without regard to space or time.
It is thought by some, myself included, that the universe is a kind of hologram. Holograms contain information on photons, each photon “knowing” what all the other photons know such that you can tear a holograph in two and still have the full 3-D image on each half. Tear it again and you have four full images of the 3-D object shot on the original film. In like manner, it is thought that the universe does actually “know” its own vast reaches at every location. Physicists know that a single centimeter long vacuum chamber void of all matter, gas etc. . ., will soon refill with enough energy to recreate the entire universe! This fact is what drives zero point energy research. I wager that due to the distributive properties (holographic) of information in the system you not only have enough energy to do it, but that it would take the exact form we have with us now.
Information is a feature of mental agency (attention, understanding, etc. . .). Language is but one way to exchange information, energy particles communicate too. DNA, for example, is a quantum computer that uses electronic and sonic means to communicate across an organism. Every DNA in every cell is instantly aware of all its neighbors and makes decisions about what to produce (or not produce) based on what is happening everywhere else. DNA also scans the outside world the organism exists in and makes decisions with regard to that as well. Information exchange such as this throughout nature also tells me that God’s mind is reflected everywhere and in everything. Only a thinking Being can make biological machines that think and know and exchange information within and without. Computers are our machines which reflect the intelligent agency of the designer and programmer, for example. In like manner nature reflects God’s mind. Given what we know about particle behavior and information exchange in instantaneous time it is not difficult to understand that God is connected to and aware of all things at all times.
I think on God as a pure light energy (as is stated in the Bible) that drives the angular momentum machine behind the Aether giving rise to all that we see here. His intentions create the laws by which particles behave and take form. His “personal” Mind (thoughts and emotions) is used and shared here. Life forms borrow it as they live and release it when they die. The lower a life form is the less the singular mind we use is affected by local interference patterns such that they are able to operate as a unit. A school of fish that turns all at once, ants that operate with a singular purpose, each of these reflect a cohesive mind. At our level we are oblivious to the inner working of one another, we have to ask “how do you feel” or “what do you think” because we are not certain (because we do not sense one another as the unit we all share). Those who develop the discipline to calm the interference are able to connect to nature (which is God’s presence here) and experience its energy and emotion in a raw sort of way. This is the beauty of East Indian religion and others like it. Zen, Tao, and so on understand the Oneness and the illusion of separate entities. Trusting our physical senses we are duped into an insane aloneness that becomes an affliction (mental illness, spiritual depravity, etc. . .). Not understanding what God is and that He is everywhere, He is in us and we are in Him in a shared experience is very costly. We don’t know we are sharing a mind or connected in a holographic information system and so cannot do the things our Maker can do and feel alone. I expect that as the truth is made more available more people will flee the illusion to connect to the reality and become more spiritual, raising our potential as spirit beings able to force our intentions on the matter that surrounds us (casting a mountain into the sea if we wished, as Jesus stated).
These are the kinds of details I will elaborate on more fully in my book. I hope the public finds it interesting. I know geeks like us dig it but will it sell in Peoria?
(she is writing a Book. maybe youze guys wanna reply? Join TEM !!)